IPA, with phonological rules using SPE notation.

"> IPA, with phonological rules using SPE notation.

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CoA Language Pronunciation Guide

Below you will find guides to pronouncing some of the languages of the Andromeda galaxy. All phoneme pronunciations are given in IPA, with phonological rules using SPE notation.


Table: Celestan Romanization

Romanized Pronunciation (IPA)
a /a~æ/
b /β/
ch /t͡ʃ/
d /ð/
e /e~ə/
f /f/
g /ɣ/
i /i/
j /j/
k /k/
l /l/
m /m/
n /n/
ny /ɲ/
o /o/
p /p/
r /ɾ/
s /s/
sh /ʃ/
t /t/
u /u/
x /x/
y /ɪ/
z /z/




Table: Parallan Romanization

Romanized Pronunciation (IPA)
a /a/
f /f/
h /h/
i /i/
k /k/
m /m/
n /n/
p /p/
r /r/
s /s/
sh /ʃ/
t /t/
u /u/
v /v/
w /w/
y /j/
z /z/
zh /ʒ/



Table: Tsanan Romanization

Romanized Pronuncaition (IPA)
a /a/
c /c/
c’ /c’/
ch /tʃ/
e /e/
f /f/
i /i/
j /j/
k /k/
k’ /k’/
l /l/
lh /ɬ/
m /m/
n /n/
ny /ɲ/
ng /ŋ/
o /o/
p /p/
p’ /p’/
pf /pf/
q’ /q’/
r /ɾ/
s /s/
sh /ʃ/
t /t/
t’ /t’/
ts /ts/
u /u/
v /v/
w /w/
wh /ʍ/
x /x/
y /ɪ/
z /z/
zh /ʒ/
